Release Notes

Release Notes


Update to version 1.299 & 1.300


We will release version 1.299 and 1.300 on Monday the 13th of January on International, and on Wednesday the 15th on all other markets. There will be a short downtime during the update. We apologize for any inconvenience caused during this time.


  • FOE-86034: Moving your townhall when having Flat Mode activated no longer causes a lot of lag.



  • FOE-86007: For some players the Hunter's Cabin 1st production was still at 30 seconds production time, even when it should be back to 5 minutes. This is now corrected.
  • FOE-86010: Rogues provided by the Yukitomo Empire were not doubled by the Blue Galaxy. They now are.
  • FOE-85828: Moving buildings around in Building Flat Mode and cancelling the moving would make the building visually disappear. It will now go back to where it was.
  • FOE-86132: Upgrading a previously downgraded limited building would still display the "This once was a limited building" tag. It will now be removed when upgrading.

Forge Plus

  • FOE-85778: Activating a Forge Plus package would always state you bought it in the ingame message, even if you did not. This has been corrected.

Event History

  • FOE-86088: The game could freeze when viewing the Event History. This happened when a building we changed internally was on the page. The game will no longer freeze.

Guild Battlegrounds

  • FOE-85829: Guild names were sometimes cut off in GBG province info windows. They are now fully visible.

Mobile-only Changes

Keep in mind that the time the mobile update becomes available depends on the stores and can be some days after the release of the browser version. Don't be surprised if you don't see the update on your mobile devices at the exact same time.


  • FOE-86008: Great buildings providing population will no longer display a "%" after the amount.
  • FOE-85868: Forge Points produced by buildings with them as a random production were not correctly displayed. They are now back.


  • FOE-86036: Continuing unfinished battle was not possible. It now does not close your app anymore when trying.

Campaign Map

  • FOE-86012: When your scout is on its way to a province, other provinces will now display a grayed out cost button, similar to browser.


  • FOE-86050: The quest completion mark was not updated when opening a quest window very quickly after finishing a task. This is now fixed.

That's all for this update folks! On our Beta Server, we are currently preparing the test for the next Event: St. Patrick's Day. In addition we are finalizing the development of the Guild Expedition Update. Don't forget: you can be the first to test new game content and releases if you join our Beta Server

Should you wish to give us feedback about this version, please visit us on Discord or Facebook!

Your Forge of Empires Team

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