Экспедиция гильдий

Экспедиция гильдий


Экспедиция гильдии: Что такое реликвии и как их получить?

Relics are special rewards that have a chance to spawn whenever you successfully solve an encounter in an expedition. 
It requires that you have build the Temple of Relics in your city

You can locate an icon on the right hand side on the expedition map
when it's highlighted it means there is at least 1 relic on the map that you can collect. If a relic is under a fogged area, you will need to progress on the map for the fog to disappear so that you can collect the relic. Make sure you collect any relics before proceeding to the next difficulty as any uncollected relics will disappear!

The number and types of relics are decided by the ​level ​of your Temple of Relics


Common (Silver) Uncommon (Gold)  Rare (Jade)
20 Forge Points 100 Forge Points Terrace Farm
25 Goods (1 type) 200 Goods (1 type) Sacred Sky Watch
5 Light Units 10 Rogues Fountain of Youth
5 Ranged Units Ritual Flame One Up Kit
5 Fast Units Tribal Square Renovation Kit
5 Heavy Units Small Medals Package Store Building
5 Artillery Units
Double Blueprint
Face of the Ancient
Gate of the Sun God

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