Cechovní bitvy

Cechovní bitvy


Jaké jsou v bitvách budovy a co dělají?

Btn guild battlegrounds buildings.pngNa mapě bojiště může mít každá provincie 1 až 3 sloty, na kterých lze stavět budovy. Kdokoli může darovat zboží do cechovní pokladny, aby pomohl uhradit náklady, ale pouze členové se speciální rolí cechu („stavitel bitevního pole“) mohou stavět budovy v provinciích vlastněných jejich cechem. Každý ‚zakladatel‘ a ‚vůdce‘ cechu bude mít automaticky také tuto roli.
Pouze éry, které jsou zastoupeny v cechu, určují náklady na budovy provincie (zboží státní pokladny). Tyto provinční budovy mají dobu výstavby a je možné kdykoli zrušit nebo odstranit stavbu, aby se uvolnilo místo pro jinou budovu. V takovém případě se vynaložené prostředky nevrací do státní pokladny.
Když je provincie dobyta jinou gildou, každá budova (včetně těch ve výstavbě) má 50% šanci, že bude zničena, a ty zbývající budou přínosem pro nového vlastníka. K dispozici je 9 různých strategických budov, takže se ujistěte, že je vybíráte moudře.

Návnady, pasti a strážní věže
Tři původní budovy CB. Pokud vaši nepřátelé bojují/vyjednávají v provincii s pastmi nebo návnadami, existuje šance, že utrpí dvojnásobné opotřebení..

Budova Název Co dělá Umístění
Cena Doba výstavbyCena za okamžité dokončení
Decoys If an enemy fights or negotiates to conquer this province, there is a chance of 15% that this enemy will suffer double the amount of attrition. Any empty slot, excluding starting province 500icon_great_building_bonus_guild_goods.png 4:00:00 50 Premium-3c0dba348.png
Traps If an enemy fights or negotiates to conquer this province, there is a chance of 45% that this enemy will suffer double the amount of attrition. Any empty slot, excluding starting province 3,000icon_great_building_bonus_guild_goods.png 5:00:00 50 Premium-3c0dba348.png
Watchtower If members of the owning guild of this province advance into adjacent provinces, they have a 8% chance to not increase their attrition level. Any empty slot, excluding starting province
500icon_great_building_bonus_guild_goods.png 1:00:00 50 Premium-3c0dba348.png

These buildings can only be build in your Guild starting province and provide 26-80% chance reduction to gain attrition (only adjacent provinces). All provinces generate 25-100% more victory points. Every Guild starting province will have just one building slot.

The Guild Starting province can not be conquered by other guilds.

Building Name Properties Location Costs Construction Time Instant Construction price
Improvised Guild Fieldcamp If members of the owning guilds of this province advance into adjacent provinces, they have a  26% chance to not increate their attrition level. Your guild generates 25% more victory points.  can only be build in your Guild starting province 25000icon_great_building_bonus_guild_goods.png 6:00:00 100 Premium-3c0dba348.png
Guild Fieldcamp If members of the owning guilds of this province advance into adjacent provinces, they have a  52% chance to not increate their attrition level. Your guild generates 50% more victory points.  can only be build in your Guild starting province 40000icon_great_building_bonus_guild_goods.png 12:00:00 180 Premium-3c0dba348.png
Fortified Guild Fieldcamp  If members of the owning guilds of this province advance into adjacent provinces, they have a  80% chance to not increate their attrition level. Your guild generates 100% more victory points.  can only be build in your Guild starting province 75000icon_great_building_bonus_guild_goods.png 24:00:00 250 Premium-3c0dba348.png

These buildings can be build on any empty slot, excluding starting province and provide 20-60% chance reduction to gain attrition (only adjacent provinces). The province also requires 5-30% more advances to be conquered

Building Name Properties Location Costs Construction Time Instant Construction price
Improvised Barracks
20% chance to gain attrition (only adjacent provinces)
This province requires +5% advances to be conquered
Any empty slot, excluding starting province 2800 icon_great_building_bonus_guild_goods.png 2:00:00
40% chance to gain attrition (only adjacent provinces)
This province requires +10% advances to be conquered

Any empty slot, excluding starting province 5000 icon_great_building_bonus_guild_goods.png 2:30:00 90Premium-3c0dba348.png
Fortified Barracks
60% chance to gain attrition (only adjacent provinces)
This province requires +30% advances to be conquered
Any empty slot, excluding starting province 6800icon_great_building_bonus_guild_goods.png 3:00:00

Guild Command Posts
The Guild Command Posts gives 20-60% chance reduction to gain attrition (only adjacent provinces) as well as requires 5-30% more advances to be conquered and can generate 15-100% more victory points every hour.

Building Name Properties <Location Costs Construction Time Instant Construction price
Improvised Guild Command Post
If members of the owning guilds of this province advance into adjacent provinces, they have a 26% chance to not increate their attrition level. Your guild generates 25% more victory points.
Any empty slot, excluding starting province 2900 icon_great_building_bonus_guild_goods.png 2:00:00
Forward Guild Command Post
-40% chance to gain attrition (only adjacent provinces)
This province requires +10% advances to be conquered
This province generates 30% more victory points.
Any empty slot, excluding starting province 5200icon_great_building_bonus_guild_goods.png 2:30:00 90Premium-3c0dba348.png
Fortified Guild Command Post
-60% chance to gain attrition (only adjacent provinces)
This province requires +30% advances to be conquered
This province generates 100% more victory points.
Any empty slot, excluding starting province 7000icon_great_building_bonus_guild_goods.png 3:00:00

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